25 Tips to Prepare Your Home for Sale Part 2

ImageEXTERIOR CLEANING: Pressure-wash stains off the driveway and sidewalk. Wash the windows.





LANDSCAPING: You do not have to spend thousands of dollars on a professional crew to push dirt and reinvent the look of your yard. But do keep it looking sharp! Keep the lawn cut, watered and raked. Allow time to re-sod bad patches if necessary. Trim the bushes; prune tree branches obstructing the house.

ImageROTTED WOOD? Replace it. Wood rot looks unsightly to buyers and could cause them to wonder what else might be in disrepair.





HOW IS YOUR ROOF? Are the shingles worn? Does it leak? If so, fix it now. If a buyer discovers a leaky roof during inspection, they’ll be inclined to make you pay for an entirely new one, or else you risk scuttling the sale.



THE FRONT DOOR: This is likely the first place a buyer will gain entry into your home. Make a good first impression. It should be clean and freshly painted. The door knob should be in good shape, the lock working well. Clear the entryway of clutter.

ImageLESS IS MORE: It is a good idea to consider removing some furniture in rooms to open up more space. Buyers want to get a good feel for the layout and space within the house.    Also clear countertops, shelves and corners of appliances and miscellaneous knick-knacks and clutter, to create an open, clean look.





garages and closets jam-packed with several years worth of old stuff are a big turn-off to buyers. Clean them out and rent storage space if necessary. Again, buyers expect access to the house and all the spaces within.


MINIMIZE CLUTTER IN DRAWERS, ImagePANTRIES, AND CABINETS: The same is true for these spaces. Buyers like to look everywhere!




If you’ve been thinking of selling your home, I tell everyone that this is the perfect time because house prices are up and interest rates are low and demand is high.

If you’re thinking of buying a home, this is the perfect time because interest rates are low and prices are on the way up.  It’s better to act now before the home you love is out of your reach.


Source: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2008/07/prweb1139504.htm

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