25 Tips to Prepare Your Home for Sale Part 1

I came across this page this morning and it captured my eyes automatically when I first saw this and I would like to share you guys this blog post from Austin Realtor. These are wonderful tips for the home sellers out there to help themselves speed up the selling process of their house. These tips will dictate their selling at their own phase.

The process of getting your home ready to put on the market is more than simply finding the right real estate agent and setting the right price. It is critical to make sure that you are presenting the most desirable product possible. You have a great deal of control over how your property is perceived, and there are several things you can do to prepare it for sale and maximize its value in the eyes of potential buyers.

The following lists is certainly not exhaustive, but keep these tips in mind, and you will increase your chances of impressing buyers and landing offers.

ImagePREPARE YOURSELF FIRST: Learn to separate your emotions from this process, and that will help you do the things you need to prepare. Stop looking at this as your home, and start treating it as a commodity that you need to market and sell for the highest price possible. You will likely be hearing a lot of opinions and criticisms from Realtors and potential buyers about the place you have called home, and some of it may not sit well with you. Do not take it personally. It is not a personal attack on you. This is strictly business.

Image“DE-PERSONALIZE” YOUR HOME: While you are getting used to your new mindset, go ahead and remove all items that mark the house as your territory. It may seem cruel, but a buyer wants to envision the property as his, not yours. Take family portraits off the walls, remove photos, and put away trophies, diplomas and any other personal effects that could distract a buyer who is viewing the property.

ImageCONSIDER A PROFESSIONAL HOME INSPECTION: This will reveal any potential problems you did not anticipate, and may uncover some repair issues you will need to address well before putting your home on the market.

ImageCLEAN LIKE YOU HAVE NEVER CLEANED BEFORE: This is definitely not the time for dirt, dust and grime. From bottom to top, the house needs to be spotless. From sinks to bathtubs, windows to doorknobs, attic to basement, make it immaculate. If you have to bring in a professional cleaning crew to give your home a serious scrub-down, do it.

ImageDON’T FORGET THE CHIMNEY: When was the last time you had it cleaned? You could have years of accumulated soot, leaves, debris…and perhaps even small animals inside! At a minimum, it is probably dirty; worst case, it could be clogged, causing a safety hazard next time the fireplace is used.

PLUMBING: Make sure there are no leaks or water pressure problems. A smart buyer will order a home inspection anyway, so it is smart to correct these before they are discovered.


ImageHEATING AND AIR CONDITIONING: Does it stay comfortably cool in the hot summer months? Is it sufficiently warm in the cold winter? This will likely be inspected too.

ImageA NEW COAT OF PAINT OUTSIDE: If it has been years since the last time you painted the exterior of your home, a fresh coat will brighten its appearance and enhance the “curb appeal” to potential buyers.




BARBARA SMALL TEAM: Specializing in Short Sales and Foreclosures. Dedicated in walking you through your Short Sale and Foreclosure process. “My team and I have one goal and that is to help you reach yours”.



Source: http://www.prweb.com/releases/2008/07/prweb1139504.htm

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